At this point, you may have heard of the new ‘miracle’ drug, Aimovig. It’s a new (ish) injectable for migraines. I think at this point, there are three on the market. But anywho, back to Aimovig. I’m set for my first injection on 3/5/19, and Botox at point after that. We’ll see how that goes.
The reason everyone is so excited about stabbing people in the leg (or belly, they give you options) with this stuff is because of the low side effect profile and high success rate in populations that have either failed Botox, aren’t able to to take other preventatives, or don’t find relief from using abortive medications like triptans.
On another note, have I mentioned how great this neurologist office is? New Neuro has agreed to redo ‘the seizure test’....with music! Musicogenic seizures are very real, and I didn’t even have to fight them on my wacky idea! This comes on the heels of me collapsing, bonking my head on the rabbit cage, and peeing on my new boyfriend’s floor. In the past while assembling a burger (Gardien brand if you’re curious), I went through a card table and couldn’t find the other burger I had waiting to assemble. I thought that I had just flung it somewhere, but on further inspection discovered that my assembled burger was actually the one missing. Never found the stupid thing. After that, I burrowed in my mummy bag for a day or so ‘cuz I was all droopy. There’s been many incidents that seem as though they could have been seizures over the years, but I’m totally fine with flashing lights and the tests never come back with anything, but I DO react to music.
New boyfriend miss read ‘seizures test’ as ‘seizure FEST’, and justified his brain’s faux pas by saying that music naturally accompanied a festival.