Friday, July 3, 2020

I Saved a Bird!

Yup! We had a bird get into the porch today.
I was running outside to meet Awesome guy ‘cuz he ran to the pharmacy for me, and as I’m shutting the kitchen door...
THWACK!!! THUD!!! THUMP THUMP *rustle rustle* WHOOSH!!! THUNK.

And then like a potato canon at an astronomy convention, a juvenile robin—under the influence of some fermented elderberries, no doubt (and I’m talk’n like some good shit, yo!)—shot up in a plume of down, and  proceeded  to whack into various things.

So, I left the outside door open and went to grab MY drugs from Awesome guy, who was waiting in the driveway for me. We talked for a few minutes and then I wobbled back to the porch.

The robin was still there, and had wedged itself between a picture frame and the windowsill in ways that defied how living things should bend; much like a toddler. I made my way inside, set down the goods, slapped on a pair of nitrile gloves (er’body’s got ‘em now these days...), and grabbed the big ‘ol bug net.

After moving a few things out of the way to get to the far window—and some cheerleading from my Significant artist—, I scooped up the  undoubtably concussed avian with the bug net. It took a couple tries to get the critter into a position where I could safely support it with my hands, but we got there.

The bird appeared un injured and healthy, so I walked it to the porch steps, and then...whooosh!!!
Off it went :)

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