Wednesday, July 8, 2020

That’s sound of the men working on...

We here at ‘The Pizza Collective’ —I don’t even remember remember how the wildebeests came up with that one—aren’t exactly musically inclined...but we’ve had some exposure and aren’t god awful or tone deaf either.

I used that to make a solid case for scavenging an electric organ we found.
*Somehow* we got into the car ok without removing the legs.
However, I leave the wildebeests alone with the thing, come back, and find it flipped completely over  and they’re freaking out cuz they can’t get it out of the car... and this is AFTER I took the legs off!

So, they’ve got this thing so it’s laying on an angle cuz the foot pedal is wedged under the seat, but the rest of it is nearly flat...ON THE FREAK’N  KEYS!!!
                                                    *face palm*
They’re all flustered and want to stop there, and I very firmly, but gently reminded them that we could get by with the now missing sliders, and newly freed foot pedal, but *really* needed the keyboard to not get fucked up.

So, my blind ass wobbles over and reminds them how the laws of physics work. We get the thing just so we can shut doors of the poor Honda, and the wildebeests wander off the approximately 7 or so in the morning.

At around noon we all went out and tried again. After I got tired of being the foreman, it took me about five minutes to assess what was happening, explain the physics of it, get everyone in position, and then a few more minutes to make it happen.

And now we have a ‘sassy space organ’! She’s not perfect, but makes really cool sounds (some even unprompted), and most importantly, has a perfectly tuned scale...also she won’t catch on fire. Always a plus.

Initially, I’m thinking ‘Oh! Ear training, yay!’
But, this oh, this gets much more interesting....

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