Saturday, February 24, 2018

Cure what ails you

It's flu season, yippee!
Here's a simple recipe to chase that cold away fast! The base is veggie friendly, so everyone can benefit from this super soup!

Super soup base:
8-10 pieces of astragalus root (they look like tongue depressors)
2 medium cloves of garlic, smashed a bit to release the oils
1/2 cup dried shiitake mushrooms

Combine the above in a large pot and boil the ever living out of it for about an hour. The size of the stock pot doesn't matter much, as you can continue to reduce it to the amount you need.
Use this as a base for your chicken noodle soup. Add it after you sauté any veggies that you usually use. Just strain it before adding. The remaining dregs from the base can be frozen for next time.

Stay well!

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