Migraines suck. I'm sure someone reading this has had the misfortune of discovering how dreadful they are/can be. I've had them here and there throughout my life. As a baby, I would get them because my adenoids were severely infected and they were pushing on my brain.*
I don't know if there's any connection, but around the same time I started to develop sensitivities to food/chemicals in food. And then came severe sensory issues, which are still a big problem. I've since learned to say that I'm cold when folks wonder why I'm all swaddled up in my mummy bag--it's just easier that way. And most of the time that's actually true. If anyone has any information about patient support and advocacy groups, feel free to let loose in the comments.
Back to the migraines-
For years I was getting a whole lot of weird symptoms, but without any headaches. So, I just ignored the weirdness for a long time. Then one morning in February 2008, I started to experience flashing lights in my left eye. I still get that a lot and there's no connection to the headache part, is still and has only ever happened in my left eye, and is still there even when my eye(s) are closed. I've only had a few migraines after the left-sided-light-show started, until....
One day in September 2016. I have had a CONSTANT migraine since then. We've tried a bunch of things, but it's challenging to break up migraine under 'normal' circumstances, forget about one that's been going on for well over a year! On top of that, I'm either allergic to, or can't tolerate a good deal of the meds they tend to use. On top of that, I have yet to identify any triggers. So, in 14hrs I'm going for Botox (my phone calls it 'Baw-tux'). I'll report back afterwards, as well as talk a bit more about my experience with migraines since every migraineur is different.
I'm hopeful that I'll get some benefit from it as my expectations are realistic and I also have several dx's that respond to Botox. That's it for the moment, more to come later today. But, right now I'm going to get back to spoiling Voltaire :)
* So my mum tells me. I'm not sure where those medical records are or how I can get them.
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