Friday, February 23, 2018

Fun at the Doctors

Every year I have to go for a routine eye exam. Not a big deal, I've been a patient there for years and the office staff is pretty much the same. I am a long cane user (especially if I don't bring a set of eyes with me), and tend to have it with me since that office can be crowded. So, every year without fail this is how it goes:
I wobble in with 'Toby' (my cane) and go to the window.
Me: 'I'm here to see Dr.Eyeballs for whatever-o'clock'.
Window Lady: 'Ok. Here's some paperwork'.
Me: 'I can't fill that out myself. I can wait until you're not busy'.
WL: 'Why can't you fill it out?'
Me: 'Because I'm blind'.

I have the same exchange every year, and that same lady is always there. Granted, I'm not completely blind. But I had Toby with me and he's hard to miss!

Arg! Oh, well...

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