Saturday, March 24, 2018

Could have been a fever dream...

For some reason, my dystonia flares up in the spring. I tend to lose my voice and/or my neck will lock up for about a week. This has been happening since I was a kid and I would end up missing school a lot. As much as that sucked, those days ended up influencing my life in unexpected ways. Since I couldn't do much I was stuck with watching tv. I happened to be the weird kid that was always playing outside and never watched tv.

But, thanks to those days nine-year-old-me was introduced to 'Mork and Mindy' and 'Blazing Saddles'. Sure I was a little young, but boy did that beat the really weird kids programmes that were on at the time!  Thanks to dystonia, I was introduced to....

I was pretty sure I was hallucinating at the time, but nope! The weird bright creatures dancing around with a sentient vacuum cleaner and the baby in the sun were totally real...

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