The brain is a funny thing. Especially when it comes to memory. I have no idea what made me think of this, but here's an account of the time a hot air ballon landed in my yard:
It was a summer day and I was outside catching bugs or running after frogs. These are things I still do. Anyhow, I was around 9 or 10 at the time. It was getting on in the evening and I was going to head inside, when I noticed a hot air ballon. Not too unusual, I'd seen a few come by before. But I have no idea where they originated from. This was in rural northern Ohio. We weren't even a town, we were part of a township shared with 3 other 'towns'. I have no recollection of being anywhere near a small airport or anything like that, but there were a lot of fields.
So, I'm watching this thing and it's quite a bit lower than it ought to be. And then it was rather close to the power lines. I'm still watching at this point in case I had to run in and call 911 if they came in and had issues. But, nope. Thankfully, they had enough clearance and landed my yard. It was pretty cool. I talked with them for a bit as they packed everything up. I don't recall much of the conversation, but the name of the craft was 'The Skylark'.
I guess they had either planned to come in around there and had a car following them, or used a neighbor's phone to call for a ride cuz they didn't use our phone. Or maybe it was aliens...
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